Pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade


Pericardial effusion corresponds to the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity, between the parietal layer and the visceral layer (epicardium) of the pericardium. In this cavity there is normally a small amount of liquid, between 15 and 50 ml, and if this amount increases, alterations of various entities in cardiac function can be caused, depending on the volume and speed of the effusion, and even a plug may occur. cardiac condition requiring emergency treatment to save the person's life. A pericardial effusion may occur in the course of acute pericarditis of various etiologies with production of exudates, whether it is idiopathic pericarditis or due to infections (viral, non-bacterial or tuberculous), in connective tissue diseases (lupus erythematosus, arthritis rheumatoid), neoplasms (metastasis), metabolic diseases (renal failure), complication of myocardial infarction or thymusthoracic trauma. It can also result from serous transudation secondary to congestive heart failure or hypoproteinemia (liver failure, nephrotic syndrome), or it can even be the consequence of intrapericardial hemorrhage (hemopericardium) due to open chest trauma, ruptured aortic aneurysm, myocardial rupture, or complication. of anticoagulant treatment

Common diagnostic tests

• Chest x-rays.

• Electrocardiogram.

• Ultrasound.

• Pericardial puncture, with aspiration and analysis of pericardial fluid (diagnostic pericardiocentesis).


• Rest.

• Etiological treatment of causal pericarditis.

• Analgesic treatment, to reduce pain, and anti-inflammatory

• In the event of a significant and prolonged chronic effusion (six months), a pericardial window can be used as a preventive method of cardiac tamponade. In people with chronic constrictive pericarditis, treatment will be pericardiectomy (removal of the pericardium).

• In case of cardiac tamponade: pericardial puncture and evacuation of fluid accumulated in the pericardial cavity (evacuating pericardiocentesis).

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